Thank you. Now let’s vote them out.

District 67 - THANK YOU for showing up on August 2nd!

Now, I don’t want to say, “I told you so,” but I’m gonna! 😝

I KNEW DISTRICT 67 and all of Manhattan would vote NO. I knew this because I’ve been talking to you all the past two years.

What I didn’t know was what the rest of Kansas was going to tell us.

August 2nd confirms what I’ve been saying for months now: we’re not as divided as what they’re telling us.

Game of Thrones | Season 6 Ep. 9

I’ve talked to people whose yards I knew held Trump/Pence signs up until the crazy wind storm of December ‘21. And we’ve been able to find common ground.

Nope. We’re not as divided as they want us to believe.

What these fall-in-line-with-extremists politicians are doing is manufacturing moral crises that simply do not exist in the real world.

Meanwhile, as we we’re hurling our high moral horses at our neighbors, these politicians are passing insidious legislation and policies, slowly eroding our communities and our democracy.

George R.R. Martin wrote it best through his character Littlefinger.

Chaos is a ladder.
— Game of Thrones

Look at what’s been going on while we’re out here fighting through this chaos being chucked at us from the very people we elected.

They’re climbing that ladder.

August 2nd showed us that we are together. August 2nd showed us that WE have the POWER.


Now let’s wield this power that they’ve always known we’ve had - let’s wield this power against them.



We CAN Lower Property Taxes!!


What will Kansas tell the world today?