Kansans for Life, my @$$

I’m going to pull back the curtain on one of the most despicable things I’ve encountered directly as a candidate. Something I’ve always “known” but never had the privy of first hand experience.

As a candidate for the Kansas House of Representatives, I’m bombarded with surveys and questionnaires from organizations, special interest groups, voter engagement websites, etc. Some of them I happily fill out; some of them I happily ignore.

But this one left me feeling a mixture of yuckiness and outrage:

Allow me to point out specifically what struck me as simply disgusting: #7.

Until the VALUE THEM BOTH Amendment is in effect and federal legislation banning taxpayer-funded abortion is codified, will you vote against legislation expanding medical eligibility in Kansas?
— Kansans for Life

Sure, let’s set aside the fact they’re using this survey as a way to force their beliefs upon the survey taker. And let’s set aside the fact they blatantly use lies and misinformation. (Abortions are not paid with tax dollars.)

How can an organization calling themselves “for Life” use health care access as blackmail to get their draconian way?

Reprehensible and vile.

If you haven’t seen already, Rep. Mike Dodson has admitted to succumbing to political pressure instead of voting as a representative of Manhattan and voted against Medicaid expansion.

Previously, Rep. Mike Dodson voted YES to put Value Them Both on the August 2nd ballot. He even rejected amendments moving the ballot measure to the November general election and an amendment carving out exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the woman.

Congratulations, Rep. Mike Dodson on your endorsement by this insidious special interest group. You certainly know how to ignore your constituents, putting politics over people.

Mike Dodson does not deserve his seat in the Kansas House.

We deserve better.


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